Saturday, July 10, 2010

Well Here Goes!

Well Let me First say that that this may not be the greatest blog in the world, but it will be true! I have never blogged before but for the last several months I have been telling myself that I would like to start one. Well here it goes! My vision for this blog is great. I have named it "The Life of a Chad" because I want to blog things that I do, things that I experience, feel, think, find, taste, overcome, and anything else that may be part of my Life.
I do not have aspirations to have a great host of followers but I will be pleased with what I have.

So I have never been one to read a lot. In fact I have never been one to read at all. Not that I can't, But i have never really found it interesting. so as of late I have challenged myself to read.
I have heard it said time and time again that "LEADERS READ". So to hold true to image I have of myself and hopefully what others see, that I'm not a follower but a leader I have started making myself read. The Funny thing is is that once I get sat down and become focused on what I am reading (which is a task all in itself) I enjoy what I am doing.
For that last couple of days I have been reading a book (my wife would call it a pamphlet) called Found God's Will by John MacArthur, Jr. it is about Finding the direction and purpose God wants for your Life. As I said earlier that so far I have been enjoying it. So today let me leave you with and excerpt from this book that I read the other day and stuck out to me.

"It Is God's will that men be saved. If you are stumbling around in life and tossing up some periodic prayers to God but have never come on your knees to the foot of the Cross and met Jesus Christ, then you are not even in the beginning of God's will. God has no reason to reveal to you anything particular about your life because you have not met qualification number one: Salvation."

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